Vocabulary : Lithotyped to Litigate

Lithotyped : of Lithotype
Lithotypic : Of, pertaining to, or produced by, lithotypy.
Lithotyping : of Lithotype
Lithotypy : The art or process of making a kind of hard, stereotypeplate, by pressing into a mold, taken from a page of type or other matter, a composition of gum shell-lac and sand of a fine quality, together with a little tar and linseed oil, all in a heated state.
Lithoxyl : Petrified wood.
Lithuanian : Of or pertaining to Lithuania (formerly a principality united with Poland, but now Russian and Prussian territory). ;; A native, or one of the people, of Lithuania; also, the language of the Lithuanian people.
Lithy : Easily bent; pliable.
Litigable : Such as can be litigated.
Litigant : Disposed to litigate; contending in law; engaged in a lawsuit; as, the parties litigant. ;; A person engaged in a lawsuit.
Litigate : To make the subject of a lawsuit; to contest in law; to prosecute or defend by pleadings, exhibition of evidence, and judicial debate in a court; as, to litigate a cause. ;; To carry on a suit by judicial process.
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