Vocabulary : Lloyd's to Loadstar

Lloyd's : An association of underwriters and others in London, for the collection and diffusion of marine intelligence, the insurance, classification, registration, and certifying of vessels, and the transaction of business of various kinds connected with shipping. ;; A part of the Royal Exchange, in London, appropriated to the use of underwriters and insurance brokers; -- called also Lloyd's Rooms.
Lo : Look; see; behold; observe.
Loach : Any one of several small, fresh-water, cyprinoid fishes of the genera Cobitis, Nemachilus, and allied genera, having six or more barbules around the mouth. They are found in Europe and Asia. The common European species (N. barbatulus) is used as a food fish.
Load : A burden; that which is laid on or put in anything for conveyance; that which is borne or sustained; a weight; as, a heavy load. ;; The quantity which can be carried or drawn in some specified way; the contents of a cart, barrow, or vessel; that which will constitute a cargo; lading. ;; That which burdens, oppresses, or grieves the mind or spirits; as, a load of care. ;; A particular measure for certain articles, being as much as may be carried at one time by the conveyance commonly used for the article measured; as, a load of wood; a load of hay; specifically, five quarters. ;; The charge of a firearm; as, a load of powder. ;; Weight or violence of blows. ;; The work done by a steam engine or other prime mover when working. ;; To lay a load or burden on or in, as on a horse or in a cart; to charge with a load, as a gun; to furnish with a lading or cargo, as a ship; hence, to add weight to, so as to oppress or embarrass; to heap upon. ;; To adulterate or drug; as, to load wine. ;; To magnetize.
Loaded : of Load
Loader : One who, or that which, loads; a mechanical contrivance for loading, as a gun.
Loading : of Load ;; The act of putting a load on or into. ;; A load; cargo; burden.
Loadmanage : Alt. of Lodemanage
Loadsman : Alt. of Lodesman
Loadstar : Alt. of Lodestar
Next : Loadstone, Loaf, Loafed, Loafer, Loafing, Loam, Loamed, Loaming, Loamy, Loan
Previous : Lixivium, Lixt, Liza, Lizard, Lizard's tail, Llama, Llandeilo group, Llanero, Llano, Llanos
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