Vocabulary : Lunular to Lupine

Lunular : Having a form like that of the new moon; shaped like a crescent.
Lunulate : Alt. of Lunulated
Lunulated : Resembling a small crescent.
Lunule : Anything crescent-shaped; a crescent-shaped part or mark; a lunula, a lune. ;; A lune. See Lune. ;; A small or narrow crescent. ;; A special area in front of the beak of many bivalve shells. It sometimes has the shape of a double crescent, but is oftener heart-shaped. See Illust. of Bivalve.
Lunulet : A small spot, shaped like a half-moon or crescent; as, the lunulet on the wings of many insects.
Lunulite : Any bryozoan of the genus Lunulites, having a more or less circular form.
Luny : Crazy; mentally unsound.
Lupercal : Of or pertaining to the Lupercalia. ;; A grotto on the Palatine Hill sacred to Lupercus, the Lycean Pan.
Lupercalia : A feast of the Romans in honor of Lupercus, or Pan.
Lupine : A leguminous plant of the genus Lupinus, especially L. albus, the seeds of which have been used for food from ancient times. The common species of the Eastern United States is L. perennis. There are many species in California. ;; Wolfish; ravenous.
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