Vocabulary : Lyddite to Lying

Lyddite : A high explosive consisting principally of picric acid, used as a shell explosive in the British service; -- so named from the proving grounds at Lydd, England.
Lyden : See Leden.
Lydian : Of or pertaining to Lydia, a country of Asia Minor, or to its inhabitants; hence, soft; effeminate; -- said especially of one of the ancient Greek modes or keys, the music in which was of a soft, pathetic, or voluptuous character.
Lydine : A violet dye derived from aniline.
Lye : A strong caustic alkaline solution of potassium salts, obtained by leaching wood ashes. It is much used in making soap, etc. ;; A short side line, connected with the main line; a turn-out; a siding. ;; A falsehood.
Lyencephala : A group of Mammalia, including the marsupials and monotremes; -- so called because the corpus callosum is rudimentary.
Lyencephalous : Pertaining to, or characteristic of, the Lyencephala.
Lyerman : The cicada.
Lygodium : A genus of ferns with twining or climbing fronds, bearing stalked and variously-lobed divisions in pairs.
Lying : of Lie ;; of Lie ;; of Lie, to tell a falsehood. ;; of Lie, to be supported horizontally.
Next : Lying-in, Lyingly, Lyken, Lym, Lymail, Lyme grass, Lymhound, Lymph, Lymph node, Lymphadenitis
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