Vocabulary : Macho to Mackinaw trout

Macho : The striped mullet of California (Mugil cephalus, / Mexicanus).
Macilency : Leanness.
Macilent : Lean; thin.
Macintosh : Same as Mackintosh.
Mackerel : A pimp; also, a bawd. ;; Any species of the genus Scomber, and of several related genera. They are finely formed and very active oceanic fishes. Most of them are highly prized for food.
Mackinaw : A thick blanket formerly in common use in the western part of the United States.
Mackinaw blanket : Alt. of Mackinaw
Mackinaw boat : A flat-bottomed boat with a pointed prow and square stern, using oars or sails or both, used esp. on the upper Great Lakes and their tributaries.
Mackinaw coat : A short, heavy, double-breasted plaid coat, the design of which is large and striking.
Mackinaw trout : The namaycush.
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