Vocabulary : Mad to Madden

Mad : A slattern. ;; The name of a female fairy, esp. the queen of the fairies; and hence, sometimes, any fairy. ;; p. p. of Made. ;; Disordered in intellect; crazy; insane. ;; Excited beyond self-control or the restraint of reason; inflamed by violent or uncontrollable desire, passion, or appetite; as, to be mad with terror, lust, or hatred; mad against political reform. ;; Proceeding from, or indicating, madness; expressing distraction; prompted by infatuation, fury, or extreme rashness. ;; Extravagant; immoderate. ;; Furious with rage, terror, or disease; -- said of the lower animals; as, a mad bull; esp., having hydrophobia; rabid; as, a mad dog. ;; Angry; out of patience; vexed; as, to get mad at a person. ;; Having impaired polarity; -- applied to a compass needle. ;; To make mad or furious; to madden. ;; To be mad; to go mad; to rave. See Madding. ;; An earthworm.
Madam : A gentlewoman; -- an appellation or courteous form of address given to a lady, especially an elderly or a married lady; -- much used in the address, at the beginning of a letter, to a woman. The corresponding word in addressing a man is Sir.
Madame : My lady; -- a French title formerly given to ladies of quality; now, in France, given to all married women.
Madams : of Madam
Mad-apple : See Eggplant.
Madbrain : Hot-headed; rash. ;; A rash or hot-headed person.
Madbrained : Disordered in mind; hot-headed.
Madcap : Inclined to wild sports; delighting in rash, absurd, or dangerous amusements. ;; Wild; reckless. ;; A person of wild behavior; an excitable, rash, violent person.
Madded : of Mad
Madden : To make mad; to drive to madness; to craze; to excite violently with passion; to make very angry; to enrage. ;; To become mad; to act as if mad.
Next : Maddened, Maddening, Madder, Madderwort, Madding, Maddish, Made, Madecass, Madecassee, Madefaction
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