Vocabulary : Madefication to Madge

Madefication : The act of madefying, or making wet; the state of that which is made wet.
Madefied : of Madefy
Madefy : To make wet or moist.
Madefying : of Madefy
Madegassy : See Madecassee.
Madeira : A rich wine made on the Island of Madeira.
Madeira vine : A herbaceous climbing vine (Boussingaultia baselloides) very popular in cultivation, having shining entire leaves and racemens of small fragrant white flowers.
Madeira wood : The mahogany tree (Swietenia Mahogoni). ;; A West Indian leguminous tree (Lysiloma Latisiliqua) the wood of which is used for boat trimming.
Mademoiselle : A French title of courtesy given to a girl or an unmarried lady, equivalent to the English Miss. ;; A marine food fish (Sciaena chrysura), of the Southern United States; -- called also yellowtail, and silver perch.
Madge : The barn owl. ;; The magpie.
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