Vocabulary : Malonyl to Malted

Malonyl : A hydrocarbon radical, CH2.(CO)2, from malonic acid.
Malpais : The rough surface of a congealed lava stream.
Malpighia : A genus of tropical American shrubs with opposite leaves and small white or reddish flowers. The drupes of Malpighia urens are eaten under the name of Barbadoes cherries.
Malpighiaceous : Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a natural order of tropical trees and shrubs (Malpighiaceae), some of them climbing plants, and their stems forming many of the curious lianes of South American forests.
Malpighian : Of, pertaining to, or discovered by, Marcello Malpighi, an Italian anatomist of the 17th century.
Malposition : A wrong position.
Malpractice : Evil practice; illegal or immoral conduct; practice contrary to established rules; specifically, the treatment of a case by a surgeon or physician in a manner which is contrary to accepted rules and productive of unfavorable results.
Malt : Barley or other grain, steeped in water and dried in a kiln, thus forcing germination until the saccharine principle has been evolved. It is used in brewing and in the distillation of whisky. ;; Relating to, containing, or made with, malt. ;; To make into malt; as, to malt barley. ;; To become malt; also, to make grain into malt.
Maltalent : Ill will; malice.
Malted : of Malt
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