Vocabulary : Matelotte to Materialistical

Matelotte : A stew, commonly of fish, flavored with wine, and served with a wine sauce containing onions, mushrooms, etc. ;; An old dance of sailors, in double time, and somewhat like a hornpipe.
Mateology : A vain, unprofitable discourse or inquiry.
Mateotechny : Any unprofitable science.
Mater : See Alma mater, Dura mater, and Pia mater.
Materia medica : Material or substance used in the composition of remedies; -- a general term for all substances used as curative agents in medicine. ;; That branch of medical science which treats of the nature and properties of all the substances that are employed for the cure of diseases.
Material : Consisting of matter; not spiritual; corporeal; physical; as, material substance or bodies. ;; Hence: Pertaining to, or affecting, the physical nature of man, as distinguished from the mental or moral nature; relating to the bodily wants, interests, and comforts. ;; Of solid or weighty character; not insubstantial; of cinsequence; not be dispensed with; important. ;; Pertaining to the matter, as opposed to the form, of a thing. See Matter. ;; The substance or matter of which anything is made or may be made. ;; To form from matter; to materialize.
Materialism : The doctrine of materialists; materialistic views and tenets. ;; The tendency to give undue importance to material interests; devotion to the material nature and its wants. ;; Material substances in the aggregate; matter.
Materialist : One who denies the existence of spiritual substances or agents, and maintains that spiritual phenomena, so called, are the result of some peculiar organization of matter. ;; One who holds to the existence of matter, as distinguished from the idealist, who denies it.
Materialistic : Alt. of Materialistical
Materialistical : Of or pertaining to materialism or materialists; of the nature of materialism.
Next : Materiality, Materialization, Materialize, Materialized, Materializing, Materially, Materialness, Materiarian, Materiate, Materiated
Previous : Matching, Matchless, Matchlock, Matchmaker, Matchmaking, Mate, Mated, Matelasse, Mateless, Matelote
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