Vocabulary : Matrimony to Matronlike

Matrimony : The union of man and woman as husband and wife; the nuptial state; marriage; wedlock. ;; A kind of game at cards played by several persons.
Matrix : The womb. ;; Hence, that which gives form or origin to anything ;; The cavity in which anything is formed, and which gives it shape; a die; a mold, as for the face of a type. ;; The earthy or stony substance in which metallic ores or crystallized minerals are found; the gangue. ;; The five simple colors, black, white, blue, red, and yellow, of which all the rest are composed. ;; The lifeless portion of tissue, either animal or vegetable, situated between the cells; the intercellular substance. ;; A rectangular arrangement of symbols in rows and columns. The symbols may express quantities or operations.
Matron : A wife or a widow, especially, one who has borne children; a woman of staid or motherly manners. ;; A housekeeper; esp., a woman who manages the domestic economy of a public instution; a head nurse in a hospital; as, the matron of a school or hospital.
Matronage : The state of a matron. ;; The collective body of matrons.
Matronal : Of or pertaining to a matron; suitable to an elderly lady or to a married woman; grave; motherly.
Matronhood : The state of being a matron.
Matronize : To make a matron of; to make matronlike. ;; To act the part of a marton toward; to superintend; to chaperone; as, to matronize an assembly.
Matronized : of Matronize
Matronizing : of Matronize
Matronlike : Like a matron; sedate; grave; matronly.
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