Vocabulary : Mayorship to Mazdeism

Mayorship : The office of a mayor.
Maypole : A tall pole erected in an open place and wreathed with flowers, about which the rustic May-day sports were had.
Maypop : The edible fruit of a passion flower, especially that of the North American Passiflora incarnata, an oval yellowish berry as large as a small apple.
Mayweed : A composite plant (Anthemis Cotula), having a strong odor; dog's fennel. It is a native of Europe, now common by the roadsides in the United States. ;; The feverfew.
Mazama : Alt. of Mazame
Mazame : A goatlike antelope (Haplocerus montanus) which inhabits the Rocky Mountains, frequenting the highest parts; -- called also mountain goat.
Mazard : A kind of small black cherry. ;; The jaw; the head or skull. ;; To knock on the head.
Mazarine : Of or pertaining to Cardinal Mazarin, prime minister of France, 1643-1661. ;; Mazarine blue. ;; A forcemeat entree.
Mazdean : Of or pertaining to Ahura-Mazda, or Ormuzd, the beneficent deity in the Zoroastrian dualistic system; hence, Zoroastrian.
Mazdeism : The Zoroastrian religion.
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