Vocabulary : Meadowwort to Meaking

Meadowwort : The name of several plants of the genus Spiraea, especially the white- or pink-flowered S. salicifolia, a low European and American shrub, and the herbaceous S. Ulmaria, which has fragrant white flowers in compound cymes.
Meadowy : Of or pertaining to meadows; resembling, or consisting of, meadow.
Meager : Alt. of Meagre ;; Alt. of Meagre
Meagerly : Alt. of Meagrely
Meagerness : Alt. of Meagreness
Meagre : Destitue of, or having little, flesh; lean. ;; Destitute of richness, fertility, strength, or the like; defective in quantity, or poor in quality; poor; barren; scanty in ideas; wanting strength of diction or affluence of imagery. ;; Dry and harsh to the touch, as chalk. ;; To make lean. ;; A large European sciaenoid fish (Sciaena umbra or S. aquila), having white bloodless flesh. It is valued as a food fish.
Meagrely : Poorly; thinly.
Meagreness : The state or quality of being meager; leanness; scantiness; barrenness.
Meak : A hook with a long handle.
Meaking : The process of picking out the oakum from the seams of a vessel which is to be recalked.
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