Vocabulary : Megascopical to Megatheroid

Megascopical : Of or pertaining to the megascope or the projection upon a screen of images of opaque objects. ;; Enlarged or magnified; -- said of images or of photographic pictures, etc. ;; Large enough to be seen; -- said of the larger structural features and components of rocks which do not require the use of the microscope to be perceived. Opposed to microscopic.
Megaseme : Having the orbital index relatively large; having the orbits narrow transversely; -- opposed to microseme.
Megass : Alt. of Megasse
Megasse : See Bagasse.
Megasthene : One of a group which includes the higher orders of mammals, having a large size as a typical characteristic.
Megasthenic : Having a typically large size; belonging to the megasthenes.
Megastome : One of a group of univalve shells, having a large aperture or mouth.
Megathere : Alt. of Megatherium
Megatherium : An extinct gigantic quaternary mammal, allied to the ant-eaters and sloths. Its remains are found in South America.
Megatheroid : One of a family of extinct edentates found in America. The family includes the megatherium, the megalonyx, etc.
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