Vocabulary : Membraniferous to Memoir

Membraniferous : Having or producing membranes.
Membraniform : Having the form of a membrane or of parchment.
Membranology : The science which treats of membranes.
Membranous : Pertaining to, consisting of, or resembling, membrane; as, a membranous covering or lining. ;; Membranaceous.
Memento : A hint, suggestion, token, or memorial, to awaken memory; that which reminds or recalls to memory; a souvenir.
Memento mori : Lit., remember to die, i.e., that you must die; a warning to be prepared for death; an object, as a death's-head or a personal ornament, usually emblematic, used as a reminder of death.
Mementos : of Memento
Meminna : A small deerlet, or chevrotain, of India.
Memnon : A celebrated Egyptian statue near Thebes, said to have the property of emitting a harplike sound at sunrise.
Memoir : Alt. of Memoirs
Next : Memoirist, Memoirs, Memorabilia, Memorability, Memorable, Memoranda, Memorandum, Memorandums, Memorate, Memorative
Previous : Melter, Melting, Melton, Member, Membered, Membership, Membral, Membranaceous, Membrane, Membraneous
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