Vocabulary : Memoria to Memories

Memoria : Memory.
Memorial : Serving to preserve remembrance; commemorative; as, a memorial building. ;; Mnemonic; assisting the memory. ;; Anything intended to preserve the memory of a person or event; something which serves to keep something else in remembrance; a monument. ;; A memorandum; a record. ;; A written representation of facts, addressed to the government, or to some branch of it, or to a society, etc., -- often accompanied with a petition. ;; Memory; remembrance. ;; A species of informal state paper, much used in negotiation.
Memorial Day : A day, May 30, appointed for commemorating, by decorating their graves with flowers, by patriotic exercises, etc., the dead soldiers and sailors who served the Civil War (1861-65) in the United States; Decoration Day. It is a legal holiday in most of the States. In the Southern States, the Confederate Memorial Day is: May 30 in Virginia; April 26 in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Mississippi; May 10 in North Carolina and South Carolina; the second Friday in May in Tennessee; June 3 in Louisiana.
Memorial rose : A Japanese evergreen rose (Rosa wichuraiana) with creeping branches, shining leaves, and single white flowers. It is often planted in cemeteries.
Memorialist : One who writes or signs a memorial.
Memorialize : To address or petition by a memorial; to present a memorial to; as, to memorialize the legislature.
Memorialized : of Memorialize
Memorializer : One who petitions by a memorial.
Memorializing : of Memorialize
Memories : of Memory
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