Vocabulary : Metallifacture to Metallizing

Metallifacture : The production and working or manufacture of metals.
Metalliferous : Producing metals; yielding metals.
Metalliform : Having the form or structure of a metal.
Metalline : Pertaining to, or resembling, a metal; metallic; as, metalline properties. ;; Impregnated with metallic salts; chalybeate; as, metalline water. ;; A substance of variable composition, but resembling a soft, dark-colored metal, used in the bearings of machines for obviating friction, and as a substitute for lubricants.
Metalling : of Metal
Metallist : A worker in metals, or one skilled in metals.
Metallization : The act or process of metallizing.
Metallize : To impart metallic properties to; to impregnate with a metal.
Metallized : of Metallize
Metallizing : of Metallize
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