Vocabulary : Meteorology to Meteyard

Meteorology : The science which treats of the atmosphere and its phenomena, particularly of its variations of heat and moisture, of its winds, storms, etc.
Meteoromancy : A species of divination by meteors, chiefly by thunder and lightning, which was held in high estimation by the Romans.
Meteorometer : An apparatus which transmits automatically to a central station atmospheric changes as marked by the anemometer, barometer, thermometer, etc.
Meteoroscope : An astrolabe; a planisphere. ;; An instrument for measuring the position, length, and direction, of the apparent path of a shooting star.
Meteorous : Of the nature or appearance of a meteor.
Meter : One who, or that which, metes or measures. See Coal-meter. ;; An instrument for measuring, and usually for recording automatically, the quantity measured. ;; A line above or below a hanging net, to which the net is attached in order to strengthen it. ;; Alt. of Metre
Meterage : The act of measuring, or the cost of measuring.
Metergram : A measure of energy or work done; the power exerted in raising one gram through the distance of one meter against gravitation.
Metewand : A measuring rod.
Meteyard : A yard, staff, or rod, used as a measure.
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