Vocabulary : Mezzo-rilievo to Mhorr

Mezzo-rilievo : A middle degree of relief in figures, between high and low relief. ;; Sculpture in this kind of relief. See under Alto-rilievo.
Mezzo-soprano : Having a medium compass between the soprano and contralto; -- said of the voice of a female singer. ;; A mezzo-soprano voice. ;; A person having such a voice.
Mezzotint : A manner of engraving on copper or steel by drawing upon a surface previously roughened, and then removing the roughness in places by scraping, burnishing, etc., so as to produce the requisite light and shade. Also, an engraving so produced. ;; To engrave in mezzotint.
Mezzotinter : One who engraves in mezzotint.
Mezzotinto : Mezzotint. ;; To engrave in mezzotint; to represent by mezzotint.
Mezzotintoed : of Mezzotinto
Mezzotintoing : of Mezzotinto
Mho : A unit of conductivity, being the reciprocal of the ohm.
Mhometer : An instrument for measuring conductivity.
Mhorr : See Mohr.
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