Vocabulary : Microcoustic to Micrograph

Microcoustic : Pertaining, or suited, to the audition of small sounds; fitted to assist hearing. ;; An instrument for making faint sounds audible, as to a partially deaf person.
Microcrith : The weight of the half hydrogen molecule, or of the hydrogen atom, taken as the standard in comparing the atomic weights of the elements; thus, an atom of oxygen weighs sixteen microcriths. See Crith.
Microcrystalline : Crystalline on a fine, or microscopic, scale; consisting of fine crystals; as, the ground mass of certain porphyrics is microcrystalline.
Microcyte : One of the elementary granules found in blood. They are much smaller than an ordinary corpuscle, and are particularly noticeable in disease, as in anaemia.
Microdont : Having small teeth.
Microfarad : The millionth part of a farad.
Microform : A microscopic form of life; an animal or vegetable organism microscopic size.
Micro-geological : Of or pertaining to micro-geology.
Micro-geology : The part of geology relating to structure and organisms which require to be studied with a microscope.
Micrograph : An instrument for executing minute writing or engraving.
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