Vocabulary : Mightiness to Migrant

Mightiness : The quality of being mighty; possession of might; power; greatness; high dignity. ;; Highness; excellency; -- with a possessive pronoun, a title of dignity; as, their high mightinesses.
Mightless : Without; weak.
Mighty : Possessing might; having great power or authority. ;; Accomplished by might; hence, extraordinary; wonderful. ;; Denoting and extraordinary degree or quality in respect of size, character, importance, consequences, etc. ;; A warrior of great force and courage. ;; In a great degree; very.
Migniard : Soft; dainty.
Migniardise : Delicate fondling.
Mignon : See 3d Minion. ;; To flatter.
Mignonette : A plant (Reseda odorata) having greenish flowers with orange-colored stamens, and exhaling a delicious fragrance. In Africa it is a low shrub, but further north it is usually an annual herb.
Migo : To go astray.
Migraine : Same as Megrim.
Migrant : Migratory. ;; A migratory bird or other animal.
Next : Migrate, Migrated, Migrating, Migration, Migratory, Mikado, Mikmaks, Milady, Milage, Milanese
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