Vocabulary : Millenarian to Millennium

Millenarian : Consisting of a thousand years; of or pertaining to the millennium, or to the Millenarians. ;; One who believes that Christ will personally reign on earth a thousand years; a Chiliast.
Millenarianism : Alt. of Millenarism
Millenarism : The doctrine of Millenarians.
Millenary : Consisting of a thousand; millennial. ;; The space of a thousand years; a millennium; also, a Millenarian.
Millennial : Of or pertaining to the millennium, or to a thousand years; as, a millennial period; millennial happiness.
Millennialism : Alt. of Millenniarism
Millennialist : One who believes that Christ will reign personally on earth a thousand years; a Chiliast; also, a believer in the universal prevalence of Christianity for a long period.
Millenniarism : Belief in, or expectation of, the millennium; millenarianism.
Millennist : One who believes in the millennium.
Millennium : A thousand years; especially, the thousand years mentioned in the twentieth chapter in the twentieth chapter of Revelation, during which holiness is to be triumphant throughout the world. Some believe that, during this period, Christ will reign on earth in person with his saints.
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