Vocabulary : Miniate to Minify

Miniate : To paint or tinge with red lead or vermilion; also, to decorate with letters, or the like, painted red, as the page of a manuscript. ;; Of or pertaining to the color of red lead or vermilion; painted with vermilion.
Miniated : of Miniate
Miniating : of Miniate
Miniature : Originally, a painting in colors such as those in mediaeval manuscripts; in modern times, any very small painting, especially a portrait. ;; Greatly diminished size or form; reduced scale. ;; Lettering in red; rubric distinction. ;; A particular feature or trait. ;; Being on a small; much reduced from the reality; as, a miniature copy. ;; To represent or depict in a small compass, or on a small scale.
Miniaturist : A painter of miniatures.
Minibus : A kind of light passenger vehicle, carrying four persons.
Minie ball : A conical rifle bullet, with a cavity in its base plugged with a piece of iron, which, by the explosion of the charge, is driven farther in, expanding the sides to fit closely the grooves of the barrel.
Minie rifle : A rifle adapted to minie balls.
Minified : of Minify
Minify : To make small, or smaller; to diminish the apparent dimensions of; to lessen. ;; To degrade by speech or action.
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