Vocabulary : Mir to Miraculous

Mir : A Russian village community. ;; Same as Emir.
Mira : A remarkable variable star in the constellation Cetus (/ Ceti).
Mirabilaries : of Mirabilary
Mirabilary : One who, or a work which, narrates wonderful things; one who writes of wonders.
Mirabilis : A genus of plants. See Four-o'clock.
Mirabilite : Native sodium sulphate; Glauber's salt.
Mirable : Wonderful; admirable.
Miracle : A wonder or wonderful thing. ;; Specifically: An event or effect contrary to the established constitution and course of things, or a deviation from the known laws of nature; a supernatural event, or one transcending the ordinary laws by which the universe is governed. ;; A miracle play. ;; A story or legend abounding in miracles. ;; To make wonderful.
Miraculize : To cause to seem to be a miracle.
Miraculous : Of the nature of a miracle; performed by supernatural power; effected by the direct agency of almighty power, and not by natural causes. ;; Supernatural; wonderful. ;; Wonder-working.
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