Vocabulary : Misconstruer to Miscreance

Misconstruer : One who misconstrues.
Misconstruing : of Misconstrue
Miscontent : Discontent.
Miscontinuance : Discontinuance; also, continuance by undue process.
Miscopy : To copy amiss. ;; A mistake in copying.
Miscorrect : To fail or err in attempting to correct.
Miscounsel : To counsel or advise wrongly.
Miscount : To count erroneously. ;; An erroneous counting.
Miscovet : To covet wrongfully.
Miscreance : Alt. of Miscreancy
Next : Miscreancy, Miscreant, Miscreate, Miscreated, Miscreative, Miscredent, Miscredulity, Miscue, Misdate, Misdated
Previous : Misconfident, Misconjecture, Misconsecrate, Misconsecration, Misconsequence, Misconstruable, Misconstruct, Misconstruction, Misconstrue, Misconstrued
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