Vocabulary : Mistold to Mistreading

Mistold : of Mistell
Mistonusk : The American badger.
Mistook : of Mistake ;; imp. & obs. p. p. of Mistake.
Mistradition : A wrong tradition.
Mistrain : To train amiss.
Mistral : A violent and cold northwest wind experienced in the Mediterranean provinces of France, etc.
Mistranslate : To translate erroneously.
Mistranslation : Wrong translation.
Mistransport : To carry away or mislead wrongfully, as by passion.
Mistreading : Misstep; misbehavior.
Next : Mistreat, Mistreatment, Mistress, Mistressship, Mistrial, Mistrist, Mistrow, Mistrust, Mistruster, Mistrustful
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