Vocabulary : Moderatress to Modernizer

Moderatress : A female moderator.
Moderatrix : A female moderator.
Modern : Of or pertaining to the present time, or time not long past; late; not ancient or remote in past time; of recent period; as, modern days, ages, or time; modern authors; modern fashions; modern taste; modern practice. ;; New and common; trite; commonplace. ;; A person of modern times; -- opposed to ancient.
Modernism : Modern practice; a thing of recent date; esp., a modern usage or mode of expression. ;; Certain methods and tendencies which, in Biblical questions, apologetics, and the theory of dogma, in the endeavor to reconcile the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church with the conclusions of modern science, replace the authority of the church by purely subjective criteria; -- so called officially by Pope Pius X.
Modernist : One who admires the moderns, or their ways and fashions. ;; An advocate of the teaching of modern subjects, as modern languages, in preference to the ancient classics.
Modernity : Modernness; something modern.
Modernization : The act of rendering modern in style; the act or process of causing to conform to modern of thinking or acting.
Modernize : To render modern; to adapt to modern person or things; to cause to conform to recent or present usage or taste.
Modernized : of Modernize
Modernizer : One who modernizes.
Next : Modernizing, Modernly, Modernness, Modest, Modestly, Modesty, Modi, Modicity, Modicum, Modifiability
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