Vocabulary : Monacid to Monadology

Monacid : Having one hydrogen atom replaceable by a negative or acid atom or radical; capable of neutralizing a monobasic acid; -- said of bases, and of certain metals.
Monad : An ultimate atom, or simple, unextended point; something ultimate and indivisible. ;; The elementary and indestructible units which were conceived of as endowed with the power to produce all the changes they undergo, and thus determine all physical and spiritual phenomena. ;; One of the smallest flangellate Infusoria; esp., the species of the genus Monas, and allied genera. ;; A simple, minute organism; a primary cell, germ, or plastid. ;; An atom or radical whose valence is one, or which can combine with, be replaced by, or exchanged for, one atom of hydrogen.
Monadaria : The Infusoria.
Monadelphia : A Linnaean class of plants having the stamens united into a tube, or ring, by the filaments, as in the Mallow family.
Monadelphian : Alt. of Monadelphous
Monadelphous : Of or pertaining to the Monadelphia; having the stamens united in one body by the filaments.
Monadic : Alt. of Monadical
Monadical : Of, pertaining to, or like, a monad, in any of its senses. See Monad, n.
Monadiform : Having the form of a monad; resembling a monad in having one or more filaments of vibratile protoplasm; as, monadiform young.
Monadology : The doctrine or theory of monads.
Next : Monal, Monamide, Monamine, Monander, Monandria, Monandrian, Monandric, Monandrous, Monandry, Monanthous
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