Vocabulary : Monocline to Monocrat

Monocline : A monoclinal fold.
Monoclinic : Having one oblique intersection; -- said of that system of crystallization in which the vertical axis is inclined to one, but at right angles to the other, lateral axis. See Crystallization.
Monoclinous : Hermaphrodite, or having both stamens and pistils in every flower.
Monocondyla : A group of vertebrates, including the birds and reptiles, or those that have only one occipital condyle; the Sauropsida.
Monocotyl : Any monocotyledonous plant.
Monocotyle : Monocotyledonous.
Monocotyledon : A plant with only one cotyledon, or seed lobe.
Monocotyledonous : Having only one cotyledon, seed lobe, or seminal leaf.
Monocracy : Government by a single person; undivided rule.
Monocrat : One who governs alone.
Next : Monocrotic, Monocrotism, Monocular, Monocule, Monoculous, Monocystic, Monodactylous, Monodelph, Monodelphia, Monodelphian
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