Vocabulary : Monopneumona to Monopolistic

Monopneumona : A suborder of Dipnoi, including the Ceratodus.
Monopode : One of a fabulous tribe or race of Ethiopians having but one leg and foot. ;; A monopodium.
Monopodia : of Monopodium
Monopodial : Having a monopodium or a single and continuous axis, as a birchen twig or a cornstalk.
Monopodium : A single and continuous vegetable axis; -- opposed to sympodium.
Monopody : A measure of but a single foot.
Monopoler : A monopolist.
Monopolies : of Monopoly
Monopolist : One who monopolizes; one who has a monopoly; one who favors monopoly.
Monopolistic : Of or pertaining to a monopolist.
Next : Monopolite, Monopolize, Monopolized, Monopolizer, Monopolizing, Monopoly, Monopolylogue, Monopsychism, Monoptera, Monopteral
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