Vocabulary : Monopteron to Monospermal

Monopteron : A circular temple consisting of a roof supported on columns, without a cella.
Monoptote : A noun having only one case. ;; A noun having only one ending for the oblique cases.
Monopyrenous : Having but a single stone or kernel.
Monorganic : Belonging to, or affecting, a single organ, or set of organs.
Monorhina : The Marsipobranchiata.
Monorhyme : A composition in verse, in which all the lines end with the same rhyme.
Monosaccharide : Alt. of -rid
Monosepalous : Having only one sepal, or the calyx in one piece or composed of the sepals united into one piece; gamosepalous.
Monosperm : A monospermous plant.
Monospermal : Alt. of Monospermous
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