Vocabulary : Monotheism to Monotone

Monotheism : The doctrine or belief that there is but one God.
Monotheist : One who believes that there is but one God.
Monotheistic : Of or pertaining to monotheism.
Monothelism : Alt. of Monothelitism
Monothelite : One of an ancient sect who held that Christ had but one will as he had but one nature. Cf. Monophysite.
Monothelitic : Of or pertaining to the Monothelites, or their doctrine.
Monothelitism : The doctrine of the Monothelites.
Monotocous : Bearing fruit but once; monocarpic. ;; Uniparous; laying a single egg.
Monotomous : Having a distinct cleavage in a single direction only.
Monotone : A single unvaried tone or sound. ;; The utterance of successive syllables, words, or sentences, on one unvaried key or line of pitch.
Next : Monotonic, Monotonical, Monotonist, Monotonous, Monotony, Monotremata, Monotrematous, Monotreme, Monotriglyph, Monotropa
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