Vocabulary : Monstrous to Montanist

Monstrous : Marvelous; strange. ;; Having the qualities of a monster; deviating greatly from the natural form or character; abnormal; as, a monstrous birth. ;; Extraordinary in a way to excite wonder, dislike, apprehension, etc.; -- said of size, appearance, color, sound, etc.; as, a monstrous height; a monstrous ox; a monstrous story. ;; Extraordinary on account of ugliness, viciousness, or wickedness; hateful; horrible; dreadful. ;; Abounding in monsters. ;; Exceedingly; very; very much.
Monstrously : In a monstrous manner; unnaturally; extraordinarily; as, monstrously wicked.
Monstrousness : The state or quality of being monstrous, unusual, extraordinary.
Monstruosity : Monstrosity.
Monstruous : Monstrous.
Mont : Mountain.
Mont de piete : One of certain public pawnbroking establishments which originated in Italy in the 15th century, the object of which was to lend money at a low rate of interest to poor people in need; -- called also mount of piety. The institution has been adopted in other countries, as in Spain and France. See Lombard-house.
Montaigne : A mountain.
Montanic : Of or pertaining to mountains; consisting of mountains.
Montanist : A follower of Mintanus, a Phrygian enthusiast of the second century, who claimed that the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, dwelt in him, and employed him as an instrument for purifying and guiding men in the Christian life.
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