Vocabulary : Month to Montigenous

Month : One of the twelve portions into which the year is divided; the twelfth part of a year, corresponding nearly to the length of a synodic revolution of the moon, -- whence the name. In popular use, a period of four weeks is often called a month.
Monthlies : of Monthly
Monthling : That which is a month old, or which lives for a month.
Monthly : Continued a month, or a performed in a month; as, the monthly revolution of the moon. ;; Done, happening, payable, published, etc., once a month, or every month; as, a monthly visit; monthly charges; a monthly installment; a monthly magazine. ;; A publication which appears regularly once a month. ;; Once a month; in every month; as, the moon changes monthly. ;; As if under the influence of the moon; in the manner of a lunatic.
Monticle : A little mount; a hillock; a small elevation or prominence.
Monticulate : Furnished with monticles or little elevations.
Monticule : See Monticle.
Monticulous : Monticulate.
Montiform : Resembling a mountain in form.
Montigenous : Produced on a mountain.
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