Vocabulary : Moravianism to Morbillous

Moravianism : The religious system of the Moravians.
Moray : A muraena.
Morbid : Not sound and healthful; induced by a diseased or abnormal condition; diseased; sickly; as, morbid humors; a morbid constitution; a morbid state of the juices of a plant. ;; Of or pertaining to disease or diseased parts; as, morbid anatomy.
Morbidezza : Delicacy or softness in the representation of flesh. ;; A term used as a direction in execution, signifying, with extreme delicacy.
Morbidity : The quality or state of being morbid. ;; Morbid quality; disease; sickness. ;; Amount of disease; sick rate.
Morbidly : In a morbid manner.
Morbidness : The quality or state of being morbid; morbidity.
Morbific : Alt. of Morbifical
Morbifical : Causing disease; generating a sickly state; as, a morbific matter.
Morbillous : Pertaining to the measles; partaking of the nature of measels, or resembling the eruptions of that disease; measly.
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