Vocabulary : Mososaurus to Moss-grown

Mososaurus : Same as Mosasaurus.
Mosque : A Mohammedan church or place of religious worship.
Mosquito : Any one of various species of gnats of the genus Culex and allied genera. The females have a proboscis containing, within the sheathlike labium, six fine, sharp, needlelike organs with which they puncture the skin of man and animals to suck the blood. These bites, when numerous, cause, in many persons, considerable irritation and swelling, with some pain. The larvae and pupae, called wigglers, are aquatic.
Mosquitoes : of Mosquito
Moss : A cryptogamous plant of a cellular structure, with distinct stem and simple leaves. The fruit is a small capsule usually opening by an apical lid, and so discharging the spores. There are many species, collectively termed Musci, growing on the earth, on rocks, and trunks of trees, etc., and a few in running water. ;; A bog; a morass; a place containing peat; as, the mosses of the Scottish border. ;; To cover or overgrow with moss.
Mossback : A veteran partisan; one who is so conservative in opinion that he may be likened to a stone or old tree covered with moss.
Mossbanker : Alt. of Mossbunker
Mossbunker : The menhaded.
Mossed : of Moss
Moss-grown : Overgrown with moss.
Next : Mossiness, Mossing, Mosstrooper, Mossy, Most, Mostahiba, Moste, Mostic, Mostick, Mostly
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