Vocabulary : Mouthless to Move

Mouthless : Destitute of a mouth.
Mouth-made : Spoken without sincerity; not heartfelt.
Mouthpiece : The part of a musical or other instrument to which the mouth is applied in using it; as, the mouthpiece of a bugle, or of a tobacco pipe. ;; An appendage to an inlet or outlet opening of a pipe or vessel, to direct or facilitate the inflow or outflow of a fluid. ;; One who delivers the opinion of others or of another; a spokesman; as, the mouthpiece of his party.
Mouths : of Mouth
Movability : Movableness.
Movable : Capable of being moved, lifted, carried, drawn, turned, or conveyed, or in any way made to change place or posture; susceptible of motion; not fixed or stationary; as, a movable steam engine. ;; Changing from one time to another; as, movable feasts, i. e., church festivals, the date of which varies from year to year. ;; An article of wares or goods; a commodity; a piece of property not fixed, or not a part of real estate; generally, in the plural, goods; wares; furniture. ;; Property not attached to the soil.
Movableness : The quality or state of being movable; mobility; susceptibility of motion.
Movables : of Movable
Movably : In a movable manner or condition.
Move : To cause to change place or posture in any manner; to set in motion; to carry, convey, draw, or push from one place to another; to impel; to stir; as, the wind moves a vessel; the horse moves a carriage. ;; To transfer (a piece or man) from one space or position to another, according to the rules of the game; as, to move a king. ;; To excite to action by the presentation of motives; to rouse by representation, persuasion, or appeal; to influence. ;; To arouse the feelings or passions of; especially, to excite to tenderness or compassion; to touch pathetically; to excite, as an emotion. ;; To propose; to recommend; specifically, to propose formally for consideration and determination, in a deliberative assembly; to submit, as a resolution to be adopted; as, to move to adjourn. ;; To apply to, as for aid. ;; To change place or posture; to stir; to go, in any manner, from one place or position to another; as, a ship moves rapidly. ;; To act; to take action; to stir; to begin to act; as, to move in a matter. ;; T
Next : Moved, Moveless, Movement, Movent, Mover, Movie, Moving, Moving picture, Movingly, Movingness
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