Vocabulary : Muck rake to Muckworm

Muck rake : A rake for scraping up muck or dung. See Muckrake, v. i., below.
Muckender : A handkerchief.
Mucker : A term of reproach for a low or vulgar labor person. ;; To scrape together, as money, by mean labor or shifts.
Muckerer : A miser; a niggard.
Muckiness : The quality of being mucky.
Muckle : Much.
Muckmidden : A dunghill.
Muckrake : To seek for, expose, or charge, esp. habitually, corruption, real or alleged, on the part of public men and corporations. On April 14, 1906, President Roosevelt delivered a speech on "The Man with the Muck Rake," in which he deprecated sweeping and unjust charges of corruption against public men and corporations. The phrase was taken up by the press, and the verb to muck"rake`, in the above sense, and the noun muck"rak`er (/), to designate one so engaged, were speedily coined and obtained wide currency. The original allusion was to a character in Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress" so intent on raking up muck that he could not see a celestial crown held above him.
Mucksy : Somewhat mucky; soft, sticky, and dirty; muxy.
Muckworm : A larva or grub that lives in muck or manure; -- applied to the larvae of the tumbledung and allied beetles. ;; One who scrapes together money by mean labor and devices; a miser.
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