Vocabulary : Multiply to Multiscious

Multiply : To increase in number; to make more numerous; to add quantity to. ;; To add (any given number or quantity) to itself a certain number of times; to find the product of by multiplication; thus 7 multiplied by 8 produces the number 56; to multiply two numbers. See the Note under Multiplication. ;; To increase (the amount of gold or silver) by the arts of alchemy. ;; To become greater in number; to become numerous. ;; To increase in extent and influence; to spread. ;; To increase amount of gold or silver by the arts of alchemy.
Multiplying : of Multiply
Multipolar : Having many poles; -- applied especially to those ganglionic nerve cells which have several radiating processes. ;; Having many poles; in Anat., designating specif. a nerve cell which has several dendrites. ;; Having, or pertaining to, many poles, as a field magnet or armature of a dynamo, or a dynamo having such a field magnet or (sometimes) armature.
Multipotent : Having manifold power, or power to do many things.
Multipresence : The state or power of being multipresent.
Multipresent : Being, or having the power to be, present in two or more places at once.
Multiradiate : Having many rays.
Multiramified : Divided into many branches.
Multiramose : Having many branches.
Multiscious : Having much or varied knowledge.
Next : Multisect, Multiseptate, Multiserial, Multisiliquous, Multisonous, Multispiral, Multistriate, Multisulcate, Multisyllable, Multititular
Previous : Multiplicand, Multiplicate, Multiplication, Multiplicative, Multiplicatively, Multiplicator, Multiplicious, Multiplicity, Multiplied, Multiplier
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