Vocabulary : Mycose to Myelencephalon

Mycose : A variety of sugar, isomeric with sucrose and obtained from certain lichens and fungi. Called also trehalose.
Mycothrix : The chain of micrococci formed by the division of the micrococci in multiplication.
Mydaleine : A toxic alkaloid (ptomaine) obtained from putrid flesh and from herring brines. As a poison it is said to execute profuse diarrhoea, vomiting, and intestinal inflammation.
Mydatoxin : A poisonous amido acid, C6H13NO2, separated by Brieger from decaying horseflesh. In physiological action, it is similar to curare.
Mydaus : The teledu.
Mydriasis : A long-continued or excessive dilatation of the pupil of the eye.
Mydriatic : Causing dilatation of the pupil. ;; A mydriatic medicine or agent, as belladonna.
Myelencephala : Same as Vertebrata.
Myelencephalic : Of or pertaining to the myelencephalon; cerebro-spinal.
Myelencephalon : The brain and spinal cord; the cerebro-spinal axis; the neuron. Sometimes abbreviated to myelencephal. ;; The metencephalon.
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