Vocabulary : Myriopoda to Myrmidon

Myriopoda : See Myriapoda.
Myriorama : A picture made up of several smaller pictures, drawn upon separate pieces in such a manner as to admit of combination in many different ways, thus producing a great variety of scenes or landscapes.
Myrioscope : A form of kaleidoscope.
Myristate : A salt of myristic acid.
Myristic : Pertaining to, or derived from, the nutmeg (Myristica). Specifically, designating an acid found in nutmeg oil and otoba fat, and extracted as a white crystalline waxy substance.
Myristin : The myristate of glycerin, -- found as a vegetable fat in nutmeg butter, etc.
Myristone : The ketone of myristic acid, obtained as a white crystalline substance.
Myrmecophyte : A plant that affords shelter and food to certain species of ants which live in symbiotic relations with it. Special adaptations for this purpose exist; thus, Acacia spadicigera has large hollows thorns, and species of Cecropia have stem cavities.
Myrmicine : Of or pertaining to Myrmica, a genus of ants including the small house ant (M. molesta), and many others.
Myrmidon : One of a fierce tribe or troop who accompained Achilles, their king, to the Trojan war. ;; A soldier or a subordinate civil officer who executes cruel orders of a superior without protest or pity; -- sometimes applied to bailiffs, constables, etc.
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