Vocabulary : Mystagogue to Mysterized

Mystagogue : interprets mysteries, especially of a religious kind. ;; One who keeps and shows church relics.
Mystagogy : The doctrines, principles, or practice of a mystagogue; interpretation of mysteries.
Mysterial : Mysterious.
Mysteriarch : One presiding over mysteries.
Mysteries : of Mystery ;; of Mystery
Mysterious : Of or pertaining to mystery; containing a mystery; difficult or impossible to understand; obscure not revealed or explained; enigmatical; incomprehensible.
Mysteriously : In a mysterious manner.
Mysteriousness : The state or quality of being mysterious. ;; Something mysterious; a mystery.
Mysterize : To make mysterious; to make a mystery of.
Mysterized : of Mysterize
Next : Mysterizing, Mystery, Mystic, Mystical, Mysticete, Mysticism, Mystification, Mystificator, Mystified, Mystify
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