Vocabulary : Mystifying to Mythologic

Mystifying : of Mystify
Mytacism : Too frequent use of the letter m, or of the sound represented by it.
Myth : A story of great but unknown age which originally embodied a belief regarding some fact or phenomenon of experience, and in which often the forces of nature and of the soul are personified; an ancient legend of a god, a hero, the origin of a race, etc.; a wonder story of prehistoric origin; a popular fable which is, or has been, received as historical. ;; A person or thing existing only in imagination, or whose actual existence is not verifiable.
Mythe : See Myth.
Mythic : Alt. of Mythical
Mythical : Of or relating to myths; described in a myth; of the nature of a myth; fabulous; imaginary; fanciful.
Mythographer : A composer of fables.
Mythologer : A mythologist.
Mythologian : A mythologist.
Mythologic : Alt. of Mythological
Next : Mythological, Mythologies, Mythologist, Mythologize, Mythologizer, Mythologue, Mythology, Mythoplasm, Mythopoeic, Mythopoetic
Previous : Mysterizing, Mystery, Mystic, Mystical, Mysticete, Mysticism, Mystification, Mystificator, Mystified, Mystify
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