Vocabulary : Mytiloid to Myxomata

Mytiloid : Like, or pertaining to, the genus Mytilus, or family Mytilidae.
Mytilotoxine : A poisonous base (leucomaine) found in the common mussel. It either causes paralysis of the muscles, or gives rise to convulsions, including death by an accumulation of carbonic acid in the blood.
Mytilus : A genus of marine bivalve shells, including the common mussel. See Illust. under Byssus.
Myxa : The distal end of the mandibles of a bird.
Myxine : A genus of marsipobranchs, including the hagfish. See Hag, 4.
Myxinoid : Like, or pertaining to, the genus Myxine. ;; A hagfish.
Myxocystodea : A division of Infusoria including the Noctiluca. See Noctiluca.
Myxoedema : A disease producing a peculiar cretinoid appearance of the face, slow speech, and dullness of intellect, and due to failure of the functions of the thyroid gland.
Myxoma : A tumor made up of a gelatinous tissue resembling that found in the umbilical cord.
Myxomata : of Myxoma
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