Vocabulary : Oathable to Obconical

Oathable : Capable of having an oath administered to.
Oathbreaking : The violation of an oath; perjury.
Oaths : of Oath
Oatmeal : Meal made of oats. ;; A plant of the genus Panicum; panic grass.
Oats : of Oat
Ob- : A prefix signifying to, toward, before, against, reversely, etc.; also, as a simple intensive; as in oblige, to bind to; obstacle, something standing before; object, lit., to throw against; obovate, reversely, ovate. Ob- is commonly assimilated before c, f, g, and p, to oc-, of-, og-, and op-.
Obbe : See Obi.
Obcompressed : Compressed or flattened antero-posteriorly, or in a way opposite to the usual one.
Obconic : Alt. of Obconical
Obconical : Conical, but having the apex downward; inversely conical.
Next : Obcordate, Obdiplostemonous, Obdiplostemony, Obdormition, Obduce, Obduct, Obduction, Obduracy, Obdurate, Obduration
Previous : Oarsmen, Oarsweed, Oary, Oases, Oasis, Oast, Oat, Oatcake, Oaten, Oath
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