Vocabulary : Obsess to Obsolesce

Obsess : To besiege; to beset.
Obsession : The act of besieging. ;; The state of being besieged; -- used specifically of a person beset by a spirit from without.
Obsidian : A kind of glass produced by volcanoes. It is usually of a black color, and opaque, except in thin splinters.
Obsidional : Of or pertaining to a siege.
Obsigillation : A sealing up.
Obsign : To seal; to confirm, as by a seal or stamp.
Obsignate : To seal; to ratify.
Obsignation : The act of sealing or ratifying; the state of being sealed or confirmed; confirmation, as by the Holy Spirit.
Obsignatory : Ratifying; confirming by sealing.
Obsolesce : To become obsolescent.
Next : Obsolescence, Obsolescent, Obsolete, Obsoletely, Obsoleteness, Obsoletism, Obstacle, Obstancy, Obstetric, Obstetrical
Previous : Observational, Observative, Observator, Observatories, Observatory, Observe, Observed, Observer, Observership, Observing
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