Vocabulary : Obtrusion to Obturated

Obtrusion : The act of obtruding; a thrusting upon others by force or unsolicited; as, the obtrusion of crude opinions on the world. ;; That which is obtruded.
Obtrusionist : One who practices or excuses obtrusion.
Obtrusive : Disposed to obtrude; inclined to intrude or thrust one's self or one's opinions upon others, or to enter uninvited; forward; pushing; intrusive.
Obtund : To reduce the edge, pungency, or violent action of; to dull; to blunt; to deaden; to quell; as, to obtund the acrimony of the gall.
Obtunded : of Obtund
Obtundent : A substance which sheathes a part, or blunts irritation, usually some bland, oily, or mucilaginous matter; -- nearly the same as demulcent.
Obtunder : That which obtunds or blunts; especially, that which blunts sensibility.
Obtunding : of Obtund
Obturate : To stop or close, as an opening; ;; to stop (a gun breech) so as to prevent the escape of gas in firing.
Obturated : of Obturate
Next : Obturating, Obturation, Obturator, Obtusangular, Obtuse, Obtuse-angled, obtuse-angular, Obtusely, Obtuseness, Obtusion
Previous : Obtestation, Obtested, Obtesting, Obtrectation, Obtrude, Obtruded, Obtruder, Obtruding, Obtruncate, Obtruncation
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