Vocabulary : Occlusion to Occultness

Occlusion : The act of occluding, or the state of being occluded. ;; The transient approximation of the edges of a natural opening; imperforation.
Occrustate : To incrust; to harden.
Occult : Hidden from the eye or the understanding; inviable; secret; concealed; unknown. ;; To eclipse; to hide from sight.
Occultation : The hiding of a heavenly body from sight by the intervention of some other of the heavenly bodies; -- applied especially to eclipses of stars and planets by the moon, and to the eclipses of satellites of planets by their primaries. ;; Fig.: The state of being occult.
Occulted : Hidden; secret. ;; Concealed by the intervention of some other heavenly body, as a star by the moon.
Occulting : Same as Occultation.
Occultism : A certain Oriental system of theosophy.
Occultist : An adherent of occultism.
Occultly : In an occult manner.
Occultness : State or quality of being occult.
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