Vocabulary : Opelet to Open-eyed

Opelet : A bright-colored European actinian (Anemonia, / Anthea, sulcata); -- so called because it does not retract its tentacles.
Open : Free of access; not shut up; not closed; affording unobstructed ingress or egress; not impeding or preventing passage; not locked up or covered over; -- applied to passageways; as, an open door, window, road, etc.; also, to inclosed structures or objects; as, open houses, boxes, baskets, bottles, etc.; also, to means of communication or approach by water or land; as, an open harbor or roadstead. ;; Free to be used, enjoyed, visited, or the like; not private; public; unrestricted in use; as, an open library, museum, court, or other assembly; liable to the approach, trespass, or attack of any one; unprotected; exposed. ;; Free or cleared of obstruction to progress or to view; accessible; as, an open tract; the open sea. ;; Not drawn together, closed, or contracted; extended; expanded; as, an open hand; open arms; an open flower; an open prospect. ;; Without reserve or false pretense; sincere; characterized by sincerity; unfeigned; frank; also, generous; liberal; bounteous; -- applied to personal appearance, or
Open door : Open or free admission to all; hospitable welcome; free opportunity. ;; In modern diplomacy, opportunity for political and commercial intercourse open to all upon equal terms, esp. with reference to a nation whose policy is wholly or partially fixed by nations foreign to itself, or to territory newly acquired by a conquering nation. In this sense, often used adjectively, as, open-door system, open-door policy, etc.
Open sea : A sea open to all nations. See Mare clausum.
Open verdict : A verdict on a preliminary investigation, finding the fact of a crime but not stating the criminal, or finding the fact of a violent death without disclosing the cause.
Open-air : Taking place in the open air; outdoor; as, an open-air game or meeting.
Openbill : A bird of the genus Anastomus, allied to the stork; -- so called because the two parts of the bill touch only at the base and tip. One species inhabits India, another Africa. Called also open-beak. See Illust. (m), under Beak.
Opened : of Open
Opener : One who, or that which, opens.
Open-eyed : With eyes widely open; watchful; vigilant.
Next : Open-handed, Open-headed, Open-hearted, Open-hearth steel, Opening, Openly, Open-mouthed, Openness, Openwork, Opera
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