Vocabulary : Ophthalmy to Opificer

Ophthalmy : Same as Ophthalmia.
Opianic : Of, pertaining to, or designating, an organic acid obtained by the oxidation of narcotine.
Opianine : An alkaloid found in small quantity in opium. It is identical with narcotine.
Opianyl : Same as Meconin.
Opiate : Originally, a medicine of a thicker consistence than sirup, prepared with opium. ;; Any medicine that contains opium, and has the quality of inducing sleep or repose; a narcotic. ;; Anything which induces rest or inaction; that which quiets uneasiness. ;; Inducing sleep; somniferous; narcotic; hence, anodyne; causing rest, dullness, or inaction; as, the opiate rod of Hermes. ;; To subject to the influence of an opiate; to put to sleep.
Opiated : Mixed with opiates. ;; Under the influence of opiates.
Opie : Opium.
Opiferous : Bringing help.
Opifice : Workmanship.
Opificer : An artificer; a workman.
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