Vocabulary : Opisthotic to Opopanax

Opisthotic : The inferior and posterior of the three elements forming the periotic bone.
Opisthotonos : A tetanic spasm in which the body is bent backwards and stiffened.
Opitulation : The act of helping or aiding; help.
Opium : The inspissated juice of the Papaver somniferum, or white poppy.
Ople tree : The witch-hazel.
Opobalsam : Alt. of Opobalsamum
Opobalsamum : The old name of the aromatic resinous juice of the Balsamodendron opobalsamum, now commonly called balm of Gilead. See under Balm.
Opodeldoc : A kind of plaster, said to have been invented by Mindererus, -- used for external injuries. ;; A saponaceous, camphorated liniment; a solution of soap in alcohol, with the addition of camphor and essential oils; soap liniment.
Opolchenie : See Army organization, above.
Opopanax : The inspissated juice of an umbelliferous plant (the Opoponax Chironum), brought from Turkey and the East Indies in loose granules, or sometimes in larger masses, of a reddish yellow color, with specks of white. It has a strong smell and acrid taste, and was formerly used in medicine as an emmenagogue and antispasmodic.
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